Routes 2 Roots entered into a tie-up with the Government of Andhra Pradesh to provide cultural education to the state’s tribal welfare residential educational institutions, under which 355 classrooms will be transformed into smart classrooms to enable them to receive digital cultural education. The schools, which come under the Andhra Pradesh Tribal Welfare Residential Educational Institutions Society (APTWREIS), will receive live classes of art and culture conducted by the most sought-after exponents of the art forms on a daily basis. The live classes will also be interactive as the students will be able to communicate with the gurus and learn from them in a real-time environment. The institutions will also benefit as gurus of the NGO will go to the schools to conduct physical workshops of different art forms for the students in order to give them the experience of extensive training sessions. Besides cultural classes, these schools have also been provided with the NCERT syllabus K12 E book enabling them to learn the way any city Private school would teach. The MOU sealing the arrangement was signed by the Joint Secretary APTWREIS M Ramana Murthy & Routes 2 Roots Founder Rakesh Gupta.