International Dance Beginner's Courses
Conclude: Participants Prepare for Final Exams
The year-long courses of Kathak, Odissi and
Bharatanatyam featuring weekly classes of the
dance forms held by Routes 2 Roots in
collaboration with Indian Council for Cultural
Relations (ICCR) and Centre for Cultural
Resources and Training (CCRT) concluded in
January with the annual exams of the three
Routes 2 Roots Founder Conferred National Icon
Award on National Youth Day
India celebrated National Youth Day on the
birth anniversary of Swami Vivekanand in a
grand function at the Constitution Club of
India, New Delhi on January 12th.
Book Donation Drive Undertaken by Routes 2
Roots in Collaboration with NASSCOM Foundation
Carrying forward its work to empower the
educational institutions and the youth of the
country, Routes 2 Roots conducted its drive to
distribute books to the Municipal schools of
Delhi in collaboration with Nasscom
Routes 2 Roots Special Workshops Conducted in
PM Shri Schools
Over 14000 schools across the country have
been selected under the Government sponsored
scheme to develop them and enhance their
facilities for education.
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Uttar Pradesh