“ Happy New Year and Season’s Greetings! We usher in the new year
with cheer and renewed hope for a world that is united by the
celebration of its beautiful and unique diversities. We would like
to express our heartfelt gratitude to all our supporters, the
schools, Ministry of Culture, Indian Council for Cultural Relations
(ICCR), Centre for Cultural Resources and Training (CCRT), Kendriya
Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS), Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas (JNV), Bal
Bharti and all other educational institutions who have been a
critical part of our journey. We would also like to extend our
gratitude to all our donors including Max India Foundation. This
year has been one of achievements and milestones starting from
receiving the Limca Book of Records award to the expansion of our
program from schools to universities and colleges as well as the
integration of biometrics, psychometrics and testing and aptitude
mapping into the school education program. We started specially
curated workshops for PM Shri schools as per the Pillars designated
for these schools under this scheme. 2023 was also a year in which
for the first time ever new avenues for the funding of NGOs were
created through listing opportunities on the National Stock Exchange
and Bombay Stock Exchange, which Routes 2 Roots registered on. Our
public issue is forthcoming in early 2024, which promises to be yet
another exciting year! ”
Best Wishes
Teena Vachani & Rakesh Gupta
Founders - (Routes 2 Roots)